"Heart to Heart" | Conversations with @thecoeurofficial and @pyarislove

"Heart to Heart" | Conversations with @thecoeurofficial and @pyarislove

"Heart to Heart" | Conversations with @thecoeurofficial and @pyarislove happening this Friday.

Join us in this intimate gathering- hosted by Karman Tse from The Coeur at Badt and Co.- with guests founder Nazneen Aziz (PYAR), Rachel Loh (Artist/Photographer), and Sunita Pong (Behavioural Scientist) who will share their stories, and how changing their inner narrative have changed the way they live, love, create, as well as their relationship with themselves.

04 March - 6.00 pm
- 290a Joo Chiat Road -
The story we tell ourselves is the one that matters. Turn inwards, listen to your heart, choose new words, and begin again.

“…everything in Nature grows and defends itself in its own way and spontaneously unfolds into its own thing, trying at all costs, against all opposition, to be that and nothing but.” — Rainer Maria Rilke

Coming home to the Self—to grow and unfold into your own thing. The hero’s journey is almost never an easy one. But if it means we can choose again—to un-tell stories we have defined and confined ourselves by, stories the world tells us about who we are and should be... To choose again—to write and speak our truth, exactly as we are, then it’s a necessary, worthwhile odyssey.

This conversation invites you to turn inwards: Listen to your heart. Choose new words. Tell the story you’ll love. The one you want to live. In the end, the story you tell yourself is the one that matters the most.

We Heart You:
 Enjoy 15% off your shopping during the gathering
should something catch your heart. Just a little something from us to you.
(Terms and conditions may apply.)
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